BE SMART Podcast

Money is hard to make, keep, and control— and almost everyone gets it wrong sometimes. Now, ex-Wall Street trader Jared Dillian and his co-host Cameron, are here to talk to you about money: from sorting out your personal finances to succeeding in the stock market and everything in between. If you want to own your life—instead of borrowing it or renting it—you need to start listening today.

Recent Episodes

With impeachment and elections looming, markets are starting to react. It’s important to insulate yourself from volatility with a well-constructed...

January 30, 2020

On Target

It’s easy for a $15 trip to Target to turn into a $250 trip. Jared discusses how to avoid that trap and how you should really be using your...

January 27, 2020

Get to Know the Fed

Jared argues that the Federal Reserve has far more day-to-day impact on your life than any president ever could. Listen to how this could be, and why...

Valentine’s Day spending is an unsurprising indicator of economic stability. People spend billions, not just on romantic partners, but on kids and...

January 21, 2020

Don’t Street Race

Your behavior can have a huge impact on your finances in ways you may not fully recognize. Be it a speeding ticket or coming into money quickly and...

January 16, 2020

Cash Is King

Cash is an asset class. Many people forget to make room for it in their financial plan. You need cash for more than just safety—you can’t take...

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