BE SMART Podcast

Money is hard to make, keep, and control— and almost everyone gets it wrong sometimes. Now, ex-Wall Street trader Jared Dillian and his co-host Cameron, are here to talk to you about money: from sorting out your personal finances to succeeding in the stock market and everything in between. If you want to own your life—instead of borrowing it or renting it—you need to start listening today.

Recent Episodes

October 28, 2019

A Life of Luxuries?

From toilet paper to watches—which products should you splash out on, and which should you buy store brand? Jared shares his thoughts on this and...

October 25, 2019

Now with 50% Less

Thanks to accounting fraud legislation, bankruptcies, and mergers we have 50% fewer stocks on the market than we did 10 years ago. Private companies...

October 24, 2019

Home Improvement

“When do I refinance my mortgage” is a tough question—even if you think you know the markets. Jared talks a caller through the fixed-rate...

October 23, 2019

Teach a Man to Fish

The story of Robin Hood is enticing in its simplicity, but it doesn’t address the bigger issues involved in wealth inequality. Jared discusses the...

October 22, 2019

I Don’t

Weddings are pricey for everyone, not just the happy couple. Jared wades into the costs and how quickly they add up if you’re attending a few a...

October 21, 2019

Is Debt Evil?

Debt can be very spooky, but like Casper the Friendly Ghost, not all debt is evil. Jared discusses the pros and cons of debt, using it as a tool for...

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