The job you have now could be your last, and it could end at any moment. Will you be able to shoulder the financial risks you’ve taken or plan to take?
Gold is an explicit bet on things getting worse. And the people in charge will continue doing stupid stuff on a routine basis. That’s why gold is going to be one of the best investments going...
Don’t blame the banks for America’s $1.6 trillion student debt crisis—the government created this problem. Now high-ranking Democrats are pressuring Biden to cancel student loan debt. This...
The average person spends 10–20% of their income on interest. Because all they think about is, “Can I afford the monthly payment?” Don’t do that! Pay cash—that’s how successful people do...
When you’re in the market for a new house, the negotiation process starts the moment you walk through the door. And everything is negotiable… from the unfinished attic, to the shoddy plumbing and...