
Stop Paying Interest. Buy Yourself a Pony

The average person in the US pays 4% of their income in credit card interest. Add in mortgage interest and car loans, and it could be closer to 20%. You know who makes money off that?

$10/Gallon Gas Is Within the Realm of Possibility

Higher gas prices matter if you’re making less than $40K a year. But most people can absorb the additional $50/month they’re spending on gas right now—especially if they’re doing things the...

Will Smith Faked It

That Oscars slap, the Yankees, gin & tonics, slot machines… Jared talks pop culture with the king of conspiracy theories.

A Millionaire Goes to Las Vegas

Money flies out the door in Vegas. The hotels are expensive, food is expensive, you’re going to strip clubs… Jared breaks down the economics of the Las Vegas economy and explains why people...

A Funny Thing Happened When I Met Bill Clinton

Politics aside, Bill Clinton was a master at working a room… Never get angry. Never lose your cool. Because you don’t get ahead in life by railing on people.

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