
Credit Card Points Are the Shadiest Sh*t of All Time

People spend so much mental energy tracking their credit card points, and it does not do them any good. Jared unravels the scam and explains the right way to use your credit cards.

Let’s Talk About How to Get Rich

You can get rich in this country doing just about anything. Real estate, mathematics, glassblowing, plumbing… anything. It all turns on one factor.

How to Hurry Up and Succeed (with Money and in Life)

Success doesn’t come out of nowhere. And it sure doesn’t come from a double vodka on a 5am flight. Jared reveals his biggest failure—and how to get your first piece of luck.

Looking for Opportunity?

West Coast cities are dying. They’re super expensive, crime is off the charts, and onerous rules make it difficult to run a business. America’s center of gravity is shifting—find out where the...

There Are Only Two Sources of Financial Stress. Both Can Kill You.

You never need to experience financial stress—even if you only make $25k a year. Because financial stress only comes from two things… and neither one is the lack of money.

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