
Don’t Sit Around Like an Eggplant—Live a Life of Abundance

The FIRE movement is a cult—these people advocate living in deprivation for 15 years so you can… live in deprivation for another 50 years. I am diametrically opposed to this philosophy—go live...

Scrooge McDuck Takes a Bath

You can be Scrooge McDuck and take a bath in gold coins—Jared is OK with that. Money, and the love of money, is not evil. Money is good because of the virtue it takes to make it: hard work,...

The Newspaper That Changed Everything

If you don’t learn about money, you are utterly lost in this world. Jared shares some of his favorite books to get you started.

Your $5,000 iPhone

If companies start bringing manufacturing back to the US, everything is going to get more expensive. iPhones are made in China, but if American union workers made them, they would cost $5,000 a pop....

It Takes Courage to Be a Pig

Picking stocks is the easy part—sizing the position is where people run into trouble. You need to be a pig on your high conviction trades, but you don’t want to do this with everything. Jared...

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