
Corvette vs. Toyota

Life isn’t fair: High-end cars rise in value and low-end cars drop. But there are still major benefits to driving a piece of junk.

Macro Doom Has Taken Over Twitter

Financial sentiment is worse than ever. But the facts indicate we can all calm down—the housing market isn’t going to crash, and we’re not headed for a depression.

Military Guys Make More than You Think

Why would anyone walk away from a job that offers free medical care, free college, a tax-free housing allowance, and rock-solid job security? Jared explores a big gamble with a massive potential...

Why Apple’s Doing a $90 Billion Buyback

Jared explains how stock buybacks work, why the government is taxing them, and why Apple doesn’t care.

Two Weeks in NYC for $4K

A rich guy tries to do New York for cheap. But it’s hard to save in a town where juice costs $10. Jared reveals his tricks.

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