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Invest, Then Investigate

Invest, Then Investigate

Years ago, circa 2013, I kept hearing about the cryptocurrency bitcoin (BTC). I didn’t investigate it at the time when it was trading around $100.

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Hold Yourself Accountable with Trading Fees

Hold Yourself Accountable with Trading Fees

People have a propensity to overconsume free goods.

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Why Aren’t You Rich?

Why Aren’t You Rich?

Money is a choice. If you want to be rich, you can be. Embrace personal responsibility and shape your financial future today.

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20 Finance Laws to Live By

20 Finance Laws to Live By

Ritholtz Wealth Management's Ben Carlson has talked about the “20 most important personal finance laws to live by” in Fortune before. Today, I want to share Ben's rules and my take on each topic.

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Establish a Healthy Relationship with Money

Establish a Healthy Relationship with Money

There are two types of people in this world: cheap f***s (CFs)—people who spend a little—and high rollers—people who spend a lot.

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The Killer Instinct Separates Winners from Losers

The Killer Instinct Separates Winners from Losers

I have had about 10–12 interns over the years, and I have taught a lot of college students, and occasionally I have smart interns or smart college students, but the one thing that absolutely cannot be taught is the killer instinct. You either have it or you don’t. You either have the insatiable desire to succeed or you don’t.

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