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This Deli Tray Is Unacceptable

This Deli Tray Is Unacceptable

Say you are having some people over to your house to watch a football game, so you go to the grocery store to get a deli tray. Nothing fancy—one of those cheap round circular plastic containers with sliced-up ham, turkey, and cheese.

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Layoffs Are Traumatic but Not the End of the World

Layoffs Are Traumatic but Not the End of the World

Let’s say you just got laid off from your job. You’re probably pretty upset.

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When to Take Social Security Benefits

When to Take Social Security Benefits

Claiming Social Security benefits at age 62 is a huge mistake. Do not take Social Security at age 62.

Now, a lot of people are in a position where their backs are against the wall, and they’re forced to take it. That’s not good because if you take Social Security at age 62, your benefits will be tiny. If you can wait until you’re 66–67 (age 70 would be even better), the benefits will be greater and last longer.

Like I said, though, a lot of people are in a position that requires them to take benefits at age 62 because they mismanage their financial affairs. Don’t be one of those people.

Remember, the goal is to not be an idiot with your money and to minimize your financial stress. I talk about it all the time here in the Jared Dillian Letter and on my Be Smart podcast—and I go into even greater detail on the actionable steps you can take to live a stress-free financial life in my upcoming book, No Worries.

Do me a solid and preorder it here: You won’t regret it.

A message from Jared Dillian Money:
Most personal finance literature is focused on getting people the most money, and therefore doing things that increase their stress. It causes them to think about money all the time. People definitely don’t want to be thinking about money all the time...instead they should aspire to not think about it at all. On January 23, 2024, Jared Dillian's new book NO WORRIES: How to Live a Stress-Free Financial Life will be being released, but is available for pre-order now at the link below.

"You’ll read it in one sitting and it will change your life forever."- Jared Dillian.

Pre-order your copy of NO WORRIES now.

What If You Want to Retire Early?

There are also a lot of people who get to 62 and just want to retire because they’re sick of working. I don’t really understand that either. I’m 49, and you’re telling me I can retire in 13 years? That’s nuts. I have so much more stuff I want to do. I’m not going to retire in 13 years. That’s madness.

But yes, you can retire at age 62. That said, a lot of people haven’t saved enough money to last until they’ve reached age 70. Seventy is the magic number—that’s when you get the big, fat Social Security benefits.

If you want to stop working because you hate working, I don’t really sympathize. Why don’t you like working? What I’ve found is that people who are unhappy working are usually also unhappy not working. They’re just unhappy people.

A lot of people think, “When I retire, I’m moving to the beach” or “I’m going to travel nonstop” or “I’m going to visit the grandkids” or whatever. They think about all this stuff, and what ends up happening is they just sit at home with Fox News turned all the way up. That’s all they do. I see this repeatedly.

Look, if you’re unhappy in your job, you’re likely going to be unhappy without a job. Also, if you don’t like your job, find another job. A lot of people like to sit in pain, tell everybody they hate their job, and then they don’t do anything to get another one. They just want to complain about it. If you hate your job, the problem might not be the job.

Wait Until You’re 70

Anyway, I got a little off topic. The point is that people who take Social Security at age 62 are getting half the benefits they would get at age 70. Half.

You’re not exactly going to be living in poverty, but it’s pretty close unless you have money saved up. On the other hand, if you’re at age 70, you can get a pretty good check from the government.

One more thing…

People are so pessimistic about how long they’re going to live. Everybody thinks they’re going to die young, and then they live well into their 80s and beyond.

The one time it might make sense to take benefits at age 62 is when you’re doing manual labor, your body just cannot keep up with it anymore, and you don’t have a significant amount of retirement savings.

There are a lot of people like that who are forced into Social Security at an early age. You don’t want to be in that position. So, take Social Security benefits at age 70. You’ll be better off.

Jared Dillian
Jared Dillian, MFA


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  1. SHORT PRIVATE EQUITY: Jared Dillian’s new site aggregates critical stories on private equity’s downfall. With so much content, we had to create its own site—updated almost daily. Jared’s conviction in shorting private equity is stronger than ever. It’s completely free. Just bookmark and share it:

  1. How Do I Start Investing? FREE Course: The thought of learning how to invest can seem intimidating. But it doesn’t have to be.

    With the right approach, you can kickstart your investing journey with the certainty you’re getting exactly what you need. How Do I Start Investing? is the perfect guide for when you’re ready to dive in.

  1. Jared Dillian’s Strategic Portfolio: Get access to Jared’s stress-free portfolio with this monthly newsletter.

    Timely, actionable investment ideas on exchange-traded funds that can help you mitigate volatility and build a resilient and profitable core portfolio, protecting you in bad times while prospering in good times. Yearly subscriptions available.

  1. The Daily Dirtnap: Jared’s macro newsletter for investing professionals. This daily letter takes a top-down approach, looking at the various asset classes, including stocks, bonds, currencies, and commodities. Join over 4,000 readers who read his market insights every weekday.

  1. Street Freak: As the most active of Jared’s portfolio products, Street Freak is an aggressive stock-picking newsletter. It’s written for astute investors who crave creative, fresh macro analysis and forward-looking trade ideas so they can invest more opportunistically, without much hand-holding along the way.

    Adjusted for risk, of course. But this is not for the faint of heart. Jared and his readers are trying to make a lot of money here.

What It Takes to Walk Away from a Soul-Sucking Job

What It Takes to Walk Away from a Soul-Sucking Job

The most powerful thing in the world is liquid net worth. If you don’t have a big pile of cash, then you are not in the position to walk away from a terrible job.

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It Takes Three Traits to Become a Successful Trader

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