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The Virtues It Takes to Make Money

The Virtues It Takes to Make Money

Money is not the root of all evil, and the love of money is not evil. Money is good, and it’s because of the virtues that it takes to make it.

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How Do You Feel About Money?

How Do You Feel About Money?

One of the common misconceptions about money is that you need a lot of it to be happy. But if your basic needs are met and you don’t have any debt or risk, you can live paycheck to paycheck and be perfectly content.

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A Matter of Perspective

A Matter of Perspective

Things are pretty good right now. But I think most experienced market practitioners know that pain could be just around the corner.

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Dave Ramsey and the One-Size-Fits-All Solution

Dave Ramsey and the One-Size-Fits-All Solution

Usually, when I rank on Dave Ramsey, I get back the following: “Well, he has helped a lot of people, hasn’t he?”

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Life Is Too Short to Stay in Cheap Hotels

Life Is Too Short to Stay in Cheap Hotels

I was in Boston last week, and usually I stay in the Seaport—the high-rent district.

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The Urge to Splurge

The Urge to Splurge

The purpose of money is enjoyment. If you do all the basic things right, then you can splurge on yourself sometimes.

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