Articles Tagged: personal finance

Owning a Beater Car

Owning a Beater Car

There is something to be said for a beater car. And these days, buying a new car is a luxury.

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Everything Is a Trade

Here’s a story for you…

About 10 years ago, I was really pounding the table on gold. Not just as an inflation hedge (which it is). And not just as a tried-and-true way to reduce volatility in your portfolio (like it does in The Awesome Portfolio).

I was pushing gold hard.

All the while, I watched the price of gold peak at $1,920 in 2011… and drop all the way down to $1,049 in 2015. Giant drawdown sandwich.

There were all kinds of warning signs this would happen, too. Like the Goldline commercials on Fox News and the “Cash for Gold” stores popping up everywhere.

But nobody was paying any attention. They were too busy declaring “I’ll never sell, not until the US goes back to a gold standard!”

Sound familiar? People were holding gold.

I had a hunch $1,900 was the top, but I thought to myself, “I can take a drawdown. I can handle it.” So, instead of selling, I held on.

Now ultimately, this approach worked. Gold briefly climbed over $2,000 last year, and it’s still trading roughly around $1,900 today.

But in retrospect, I would have gladly avoided that multi-year drawdown if I could have.


Those Years of Pain Completely Changed the Way I Trade

After that experience, my attitude changed. Now I say…

  • Everything is a trade. Everything is meant to be sold.

It’s never easy to sell your favorites. You get attached—they feel like family. But you have to do it.

Sure, my gold trade ended up being lucrative in the end. But at what cost? Years of stress? I could have put my money in any number of less stressful trades and made the same amount of money, if not more.

What If You Sell Too Early?

Selling too early is everyone’s fear. It can be tough to nail the dismount.
Deciding when to sell is 100x more difficult than deciding when to buy.

  • But if you find yourself worrying that you’re about to hit the top, sell.

Why gamble? Either you’re right about the trade hitting the top, and you make the maximum possible profit.

Or you’re wrong. You sell… the trade keeps creeping higher, and… you still made money.

No one ever went broke by taking profits.

Unloading Stressful Trading Positions Will Dramatically Improve Your Life

If you are sticking to an investment that's taken a 50% (or worse) drawdown… sell. Otherwise, you are just shooting yourself in the foot.

Remember, my primary goal here at Jared Dillian Money is to help you live a stress-free financial life. The whole point of all this is to make your life easier! And I have to say, my life started improving dramatically when I started cutting my losers.

I don’t have to live through another 50% drawdown. My mental health is too important to me.

I'm never putting myself through that again—and neither should you.

Jared Dillian
Jared Dillian


Let Jared Help! Depending on your comfort level, we suggest picking one of these four options to get started:

  1. SHORT PRIVATE EQUITY: Jared Dillian’s new site aggregates critical stories on private equity’s downfall. With so much content, we had to create its own site—updated almost daily. Jared’s conviction in shorting private equity is stronger than ever. It’s completely free. Just bookmark and share it:

  1. How Do I Start Investing? FREE Course: The thought of learning how to invest can seem intimidating. But it doesn’t have to be.

    With the right approach, you can kickstart your investing journey with the certainty you’re getting exactly what you need. How Do I Start Investing? is the perfect guide for when you’re ready to dive in.

  1. Jared Dillian’s Strategic Portfolio: Get access to Jared’s stress-free portfolio with this monthly newsletter.

    Timely, actionable investment ideas on exchange-traded funds that can help you mitigate volatility and build a resilient and profitable core portfolio, protecting you in bad times while prospering in good times. Yearly subscriptions available.

  1. The Daily Dirtnap: Jared’s macro newsletter for investing professionals. This daily letter takes a top-down approach, looking at the various asset classes, including stocks, bonds, currencies, and commodities. Join over 4,000 readers who read his market insights every weekday.

  1. Street Freak: As the most active of Jared’s portfolio products, Street Freak is an aggressive stock-picking newsletter. It’s written for astute investors who crave creative, fresh macro analysis and forward-looking trade ideas so they can invest more opportunistically, without much hand-holding along the way.

    Adjusted for risk, of course. But this is not for the faint of heart. Jared and his readers are trying to make a lot of money here.


Crap Happen$

Sometimes you just have to spend money on stuff.

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What to Do If You’ve Made This Common “Mental Accounting” Mistake

Let’s talk about Mental Accounting.

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How Not to Become a Rich Jerk

There are probably 50,000 books written on how to handle failure.

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The Cult of Home Ownership

When I talk to young people in their late 20s, early 30s, they all say the same thing:

“I really want to buy a house.”

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You Have to Get These 7 Big Money Decisions Right

A lot of people are stressed out about money.

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“Screw You!” Money Is Your Key to Freedom

No, I’m not being crass. This is serious stuff. If you want to experience true financial freedom, you need to make enough money to essentially say, “Screw you!”

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Master Your Personal Finances

Ritholtz Wealth Management's Ben Carlson talked about the "20 most important personal finance laws to live by" in Fortune recently.

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Your Credit Score Might Matter Less than You Think

You should never date anyone with a credit score below 650. But what if that person is you?

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